Recommended Rescues, Vets and Pet Sitters
Below are some listed Vets, Rescues and Pet Sitters and Pet Boarding homes you can find in Australia.
Important Disclaimer: Please note that it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that the rescues in question are still active and are competent in the care of guinea pigs. Guinea Pigs Australia takes no legal responsibility over the competency of these organisations or the actions and events that may result.
Find a Local Rescue
Find a local small animal rescue near you to adopt a guinea pig.
If you would like to submit a rescue or update our map please Contact Us
Find an Exotics Vet
Find a local Veternarian who is familar with guinea pig or rabbit surgery and care.
If you would like to update this map or submit a Vet Clinic please Contact Us
Find a Pet Sitter
Going away on holidays?
Find your nearest pet boarding service or pet sitter on the map.
Are you a pet sitter yourself? Put your pet-sitting or boarding home on the map for free, or update our map by contacting us.