1. This little pig who is VERY happy with his apple! Source: guineapiggies.tumblr.com 2. These two love birds sharing a kiss! Source: guineapiggies.tumblr.com 3. The original tea cup pigs! Source: babble.com 4. This little pig who found a new best friend Source: buzzfeed.com 5. Them Piggy Feet! Source: fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net 6. An adorable wave hello! Source: cutestpaw.com 7. This Daisy Princess Source: stellarebp.deviantart.com 8. This sleeping Beauty Source: fairymagic.me 9. A Chubby Piggy after Lunch Source:guineapigcages.com 10. This exuberant fellow! Source: piggypiggypiggypiggy.tumblr.com 11. Just Sharing the Love Source: leny97.deviantart.com 12. This lucky teddy bear Source: guineapiggies.tumblr.com 14. This Piggy Romeo Source: emshaw.tumblr.com 15. This Avid Food Lover Source: thedailyguineapig.com 16. This Strawberry Sweetheart Source: buzzfeed.com 17. This Pink Nosed Piggy Source: statigr.am 18. This Handsome Face Source: guineapigsaustralia 19. This Hay Happy Guinea Source: smallpetselect.com 20. These two gorgeous Friends Source: woophy.com