2 x 6 Ozzy C&C Cage Stand

Grid Colour
Connector Colour

Single Level Cage Stand for 2 x 6 Grid Cage 

Product Includes - for a single stand (corflute and cage not included)

  • 32 x grids 
  • 42 x connectors
  • Cable Ties 

Buy 1 to bring your cage to knee height with 6 storage spaces.

Buy 2 to bring you cage to waist height with 12 storage spaces.

A 2 x 6 cage kit can sit on top of this stand.

Cage stands are a great way to elevate your cage off the floor and they also can be used for storage underneath. 

  • Easier to clean as higher off the ground
  • Storage space under your cage for accessories, hay and more
  • Add more grids if you want a larger cage and stand
  • Easy to move, lightweight
  • Easy to assemble and re-assemble
  • Use cable ties to solidify each section

Please note corflute base or cage is not included, for display purposes only. 

2 x 6 corflute only can be purchased here

2 x 6 grid walls only can be purchased here

2 x 6 cage kits can be purchased here

Bedding for this cage can be purchased here 

Building Instructions:
(This video shows a 2x5 size stand, but you can apply the same building principles to build a 2x6 using the supplied grids and connectors from your kit!)