Honest Review - Bunny Nature

Honest Review - Bunny Nature

Honest Review - Bunny Nature


For today’s blog Rachael from @GuineaPigGardens give’s her honest review of Bunny Nature Pellets after trying them with her piggies. 

🐹What Chaff/Pellet’s to feed your Guinea Pig 🐹

*Disclaimer - This is my opinion - based off what I know guinea pigs diet should consist of. I am not telling you to only buy expensive food for your pets but just letting you know what the best options are for your guinea pigs health*

🐰 Bunny Nature 🐰

Today I will be talking about Bunny Nature - Nature Shuttle & Guinea Pig Dream Under 5 Months & Over 5 Months.This guinea pig pellet/mix is FREE from preservatives, flavour enhancer’s, added flavours, colours & sugar. This brand is German & aims to guinea pigs return to a naturally/species appropriate diet.

You initially start your guinea pigs (if over 5Months of age) on Nature Shuttle - once they are eating all of it out of a bowl before topping it up you can transition them onto Guinea Pig Dream.If they are under 5 months of age you can start them on the Under 5 months Guinea Pig Dream.

I’m incredibly impressed too by the ingredients list on this packaging. The ingredients are from natural plants & far exceed the ingredients on the other pellets i’ve reviewed. Timothy hay, meadow fescue & foxtail, german ryegrass, blue grass, dandelion leaves, meadow sweet, sweet pepper & maca root are just some.

They also include a list of Analytical Constitutes which include crude protein, fats, oils, fibre ect. And also Nutritional Additives such as Vitamin C, Copper, Iron & Magnesium.

They also state on the packaging that some plants from where guinea pigs originate from are included. All ingredients are correctly dosed. The pellets themselves are quite large, it looks like 3 pellets together. This is purposely designed for tooth abrasion.

This brand of guinea pig food can be purchased on the Guinea Pigs Australia website. Nature Shuttle is usually $23 & Guinea Pig Dream (Pup & Adult) is $37. But they do come on sale from time to time which is when I bought mine. 😁 For what your getting though I think that’s a bargain, especially if your guinea pigs end up loving it!

It is different to any other guinea pig chaff/pellet i’ve tried. Some of my guinea pigs really enjoy it & other’s not so much. I would highly recommend giving it a try for your piggy’s though, nutritionally I personally believe this is the best on the market i’ve found. You can go on the Guinea Pigs Australia website for a read & they also do treats for guinea pigs! I’ll make another post for that.

Once again, this is my opinion & my experience with this brand of food. Please do your own research & see what you think. Kindest regards, Guinea Pig Gardens 💗🐹

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