Everything YOU need to know about Bumblefoot!
What exactly is Bumblefoot? (Or otherwise known as PODODERMATITIS) Pododermatitis, or more commonly referred to as ‘bumblefoot’ is a condition ca...
What exactly is Bumblefoot? (Or otherwise known as PODODERMATITIS) Pododermatitis, or more commonly referred to as ‘bumblefoot’ is a condition ca...
"Guinea Pigs are small - they don't need a lot of space!" - FALSE One of the first and most important parts of guinea pig ownership, is providing t...
The age old question – should guinea pigs be kept indoors or outdoors? Historically guinea pigs were primarily outdoor pets, kept in hutches or cag...
Playtime for Guinea Pigs Guinea pigs and bunnies are naturally curious creatures, and can become easily bored if their enclosure constantly stays t...
Whether by colour theming everything, having cute accessories or having extra space to zoom, there are lots of ways you can make your pets' cage X-traordinary!
Vegetables play an important part of a critter's diet. While grassy hay is the MOST important, a cup of veggies for your pet once or twice a day...
As we know with guinea pigs, there are foods they can safely nibble on a LOT (hay, hay and more hay), and some foods that are best kept in the 'treat' pile, to ensure they're not getting overloaded with the wrong nutrients.
As guinea pig owners there are many responsibilities involved with keeping them happy and healthy - and one of those things is performing regular h...
Did you know urinary stones (otherwise known as uroliths) are a very common condition in guinea pigs, and can become life threatening?! Read on to...
Temperatures are dropping and Winter is fast approaching, but here at GPA we have you sorted with everything you and your guinea pigs need to stay ...